Saturday 2 May 2020



Over the years, real estate has become a topic of varied opinions. The rise of this industry has seen so many challenges and witnessed many changes; however, thus, outcome attained by it has been varied too.

People today are not afraid to invest in real estate and often go to great heights to make sure they receive value for their buck and more importantly get a place that makes them and their families comfortable.
However, even before the finished apartment comes into being, the initial draft or blueprint is something that key focus is laid on.

This also comprises the construction materials, the raw material for interiors, planning and several other important decisions that need to be discussed in this time zone. One of the major aspects here is the construction and building materials. 
Today, we have brands and suppliers in abundance who supply some of the best building construction materials and a lot of builders also go one step ahead to even partner with suppliers who supply quality products.

So why the emphasis on ensuring you only have premium quality construction materials as a part of your building construction process?

How Construction Material plays an Important Role in the Quality and Safety of any Infrastructure Project
Well because, the final reflection of your construction will be proof of what you have used right from the beginning and its life and sustenance of the project as well, will be wholly focused on it.
Here is how good construction materials will play an important role in the quality and safety of an infrastructure project:
1. Cost-Saving in the Long Run:
If you put an extra buck or two in procuring the best quality construction and building materials, this will in a way save a ton of money later on.

If you skimp, you will be shelling out small amounts to fix a small wear and tear and in the end, this will result in a sum much larger than what you would have to pay initially for good quality material.

This, make sure for this ‘skeleton’ of your construction, you invest only in the best quality goods you can acquire.

2. No Complaints and Maintaining Goodwill:
It is important to realize that the construction you are creating today will be a home for someone tomorrow.

Putting in your best while constructing, it will ensure their home tomorrow is safeguarded and secure and for that, they will only have the builder to thank! This in a way will add to your goodwill and lead to happy and content customers.

How Construction Material plays an Important Role in the Quality and Safety of any Infrastructure Project
3. Recommendations will Improve Business like No Other Marketing Strategy:
Following the goodwill, people will speak to their acquaintances, friends and colleagues and in a way market your service for free! This will do wonders for your business in the long run as real testimonials from someone you know means more than any amounts of marketing strategies you use.

4. Saves Time:
In the future, fixing small glitches in the property will mean more expenses and effort, and of course will create a hassle for the residents too. All these concerns can be taken care of if you simply invest in quality construction materials right from the start.

5. Assurance during Natural Calamities or Crisis:
Although the risk associated with natural calamities cannot be measured, you can definitely take measures to minimize damage in case of one!

Some good quality material will be able to withstand damage to a certain extent and of course, will be able to repulse way better than a building whose base construction is in itself poor.

How Construction Material plays an Important Role in the Quality and Safety of any Infrastructure Project

Thus, although spending a few days to research about quality suppliers or experimenting with different vendors and products once maybe a little time consuming, but in the long run it will definitely pay off in more than one ways!


The real estate dynamics in Pune has been the witness to significant changes in past two years. Builders too have felt the brunt of these. Best builders in Pune have been able to digest the changes without allowing their service efficiencies to suffer.

Customers’ response to real estate has been lukewarm since demonetization primarily due to the uncertainties that have clouded their intellect. It had its repercussions on the market although top builders in Pune have been resilient enough to recover fast due to their resourcefulness and foresight.

Builders and developers in Pune have come across many challenges in the bygone year. However, the top 7 challenges that have confronted them are being summarized below.
1) Heightened Future Expectations of Buyers
Pune sits in the list of 98 cities to be developed as ‘Smart City’. Pune Smart City Development Corporation Limited has also been constituted to execute earmarked projects. Concurrently, the incumbent government has rolled out its ‘Housing for All’ plan to be completed by 2022. This has resulted in prospective buyers deferring their home purchase plans for the time being in the expectation of better deals in future. Inventories have remained unsold and arranging liquid cash has become a challenge.

2) Fund Mobilization Issues
Builders in Pune are also suffering from the apathy of banks and financial houses. Inventory build-up has resulted in lower sales and as such loan repayment process has been slowed down. Defaulters like Vijay Mallya and Nirav Modi have caused banks to be over cautious. As such, credential and loan repayment capability verification has been taking inordinate time. Mobilizing funds have become tougher.

3) No Revision in Lending Rates
Reserve Bank of India has not revised its repo rate of late. Home loan interests have not gone further down. Market sentiments too have not received any facelift. Banks have been reconsidering their strategies for lending home loan. Cost of living has gone up in Pune, and with no hope of home loan interests going further down in recent future, many potential home buyers have been shelving their plans. Consequently, revenue related projections of builders in Pune have been disarrayed.

4) Projects on the Verge of Completion Suffering from RERA’s Introduction
The entire list of builders in Pune has been brought under the ambit of Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA) by Municipal Corporation. One of the provisions of RERA is iron clad warranty against any structural defect or shoddy workmanship for a period of five years after delivery. This mandates securing comprehensive warranties from suppliers to indemnify buyers against any contingency. Documentation has to be rigorously prepared. However, suppliers are unwilling to be a part of liability indemnification pact for projects on the verge of completion. This has put builders under tremendous strain.

5) Exorbitant Escalation in Land Rates
As more and more land within Pune municipal area is becoming available for a premium, the costs of projects in prime locations are experiencing steep price rise. Buyers are increasingly opting for rentals rather than go for fresh purchases. This is causing inventory levels to go up.

6) Slackened Pace of Approval for New Projects
Builders are also grappling with the challenge of non-streamlined clearances from civic authorities in Pune. Corresponding delays are taking their toll on the price of the projects. This is because the committed/ advertised prices of apartments are not remaining feasible after factoring in the increase in raw material and other infrastructural expenses during the delayed period.

7) Increase in Cost of Raw Materials
Prices of cement, steel rods for trusses, and other raw materials have gone up significantly in recent times. Further, minimum wages of workers have been significantly revised after the adoption of the recommendations of 7TH Pay Commission. This has caused even reputed builders in Pune to reel under the pressure of allocated budgets going haywire.

Sancheti Builders, one of the best builders in Punehas remained immune to these changes primarily because of the robustness of their strategic road-map. You can always trust on the quality of construction and rest assured that you would never be overcharged.


Real estate sector has been the witness to significant changes in recent times. One of such impactful changes has been the ingress of technology in various spheres of operation. In this post, we would walk you through 10 such momentous real estate technology trends that are sweeping the real estate segment of late.
1) Introduction of Self-Healing Concrete 
Concrete is the key construction material that is widely used due to its durability and thermal resistance. Delft University’s microbiologist Hendrik Jonkers has almost succeeded in increasing the concrete’s lifecycle through his innovative self-healing concrete.

The technological breakthrough has been achieved through implanting of limestone generating microbes in concrete in self-activated mode. The microbes are embedded in concrete and calcium lactate during the construction phase.

Once the concrete starts cracking or water seepage occurs, microbes are auto-activated which repair the chink. This innovation definitely looks to be most promising among top technology trends in real estate.

Top 10 Trends In Real Estate Technology
2) Design of Curvilinear Structures using 3D Printing
Significant research is underway to explore the applicability of 3D printing for building construction related components. Large sized printers use specially formulated composite concrete mixture that is denser than regular concrete.

This concrete self-supports itself during setting and would open up the doors of limitless possibilities in architectural domain. With this technological stride, it would be possible to build curvilinear structures. Lower construction costs and zero deviation from the plan would also be accomplished.

Top 10 Trends In Real Estate Technology

3) Construction of Smart Buildings
Smart buildings rely on advances in informational technology for actuating intuitive processes that can potentially trigger operations like starting the air conditioner when human activity is observed in the room.

Smart sensors, intelligent microchips and AI are seamlessly stitching real estate and technology together for developing energy-efficient structures.

Top 10 Trends In Real Estate Technology

4) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is going to be the real game changer in real estate domain. Intelligent modules deployed on sites’ would recognize speech of audiences, respond accordingly, and assist in solving specific problems being experienced by potential buyers.

Top 10 Trends In Real Estate Technology

5) Machine Learning
Machine learning, a basic component of AI, breathes in intelligence in AI module. It deciphers patterns in input streams and delivers outcomes based on identified classifications.

Complex and elaborate machine learning algorithms analyse inputs in real time and provide relevant outputs complementing the basic theme of the interaction.

AI underpinned machine learning occupies the centre-stage in contemporary real estate technology trends and can potentially convert apathetic site visitors into loyal customers.

Top 10 Trends In Real Estate Technology
6) Virtual Reality (VR)
VR as a technological leverage is set to revolutionise the real estate sector. Potential home buyers can be taken on a virtual walk through of the home they wish to buy.

A prospect can visualise the property from different perspectives in a visually appealing and well-lit digital ambience. With VR, you can also enhance the atmospheric effects that can allure prospects. Such effects are missing in real time physical site visit.

Top 10 Trends In Real Estate Technology

7) Augmented Reality (AR)
VR is complemented by AR. Through AR, your prospect can add more value to the virtual tour by being able to place furniture and other items in perspective within the flat.

This would help the prospect perceive the suitability and compatibility of potential property to his/her aspirations in aesthetically enhanced manner. AR is another technology that is reinforcing the business proposition in real estate.
Top 10 Trends In Real Estate Technology

8) Construction in Modular Manner
Modular construction involves building parts of the structure at the factory or in a place far removed from the actual site. All construction materials and dimensions remain the same. Structures are delivered and assembled on site as and when needed. This real estate technology has been reducing construction costs and wastes generated.

9) Replacement of TMT Bars on the Horizon
The strength of the architectural structure is directly proportional to the load enduring capability of bars being used in joists.

4 researchers at MIT have succeeded in controlling the geometrical configuration of graphene which is considered one of the sturdiest materials on earth. In the three dimensional format, graphene exhibits an unparalleled load bearing capability and is lightweight compared to TMT bars.

Research is in progress to analyse the applicability of graphene for construction projects, both ongoing and upcoming.

10) Use of Construction Drones
Site surveys are being increasingly conducted with construction drones. The progress of projects and their adherence to plans are tracked in real time through aerial pictures, maps and 3D photos being relayed by the drone. This technology is proving to be particularly useful in high-risk sites.
Real estate technology is slated to be the decisive factor in determining success quotient of realtors in coming years. Builders who are aware of the pulse of the customers and sentiments that drive the market are already in the process of embracing the same. The bottom line is that technology in real estate would certainly matter in coming days.

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